$no); //======================================== // Data Load //======================================== $view = $Db->row("SELECT no, sort, best, store, insert_date, name, title, content, likes, hit, tag, etc1 FROM $TABLE_EPILOGUE WHERE no = :no", $param); // $keyword = array_filter(explode("|", $Db->single("SELECT keyword2 FROM $TABLE_KEYWORD"))); $no = $view['no']; $sort = $view['sort']; $bestClass = ($view['best'] === "Y") ? "best" : ""; $store = $storeNameArr[$view['store']]; $storeColor = StoreColorClass($view['store']); $insert_date = $view['insert_date']; $name = Utf8SubstrReplace(stripslashes($view['name']), "o"); $title = stripslashes($view['title']); $content = stripslashes($view['content']); $likes = $view['likes']; $hit = $view['hit']; $temp_tag = explode(",", stripslashes($view['tag'])); $tag = implode(",", array_filter($temp_tag)); $etc1 = $view['etc1']; $pnparam = array('sort' => $sort, 'show' => PARAMETER_Y, 'del' => PARAMETER_N, 'best' => $view['best']); if($sd === "likes"){ $pnparam['likes'] = $likes; $prevINS .= "likes > :likes"; $nextINS .= "likes < :likes"; $prevOrderINS .= "likes ASC"; $nextOrderINS .= "likes DESC"; } else if($sd === "hit"){ $pnparam['hit'] = $hit; $prevINS .= "hit > :hit"; $nextINS .= "hit < :hit"; $prevOrderINS .= "hit ASC"; $nextOrderINS .= "hit DESC"; } else { $pnparam['insert_date'] = $insert_date; $prevINS .= "insert_date > :insert_date"; $nextINS .= "insert_date < :insert_date"; $prevOrderINS .= "insert_date ASC"; $nextOrderINS .= "insert_date DESC"; } $prev = $Db->row("SELECT no, store, title FROM $TABLE_EPILOGUE WHERE $prevINS AND sort = :sort AND d_show = :show AND del = :del AND best = :best ORDER BY $prevOrderINS LIMIT 0, 1", $pnparam); $next = $Db->row("SELECT no, store, title FROM $TABLE_EPILOGUE WHERE $nextINS AND sort = :sort AND d_show = :show AND del = :del AND best = :best ORDER BY $nextOrderINS LIMIT 0, 1", $pnparam); if($prev > 0){ $prevTitle = "[".$storeNameArr[$prev['store']]."]".stripslashes($prev['title']); $prevLink = "#".$prev['no']; } else { $prevTitle = "이전글이 없습니다."; $prevLink = "#self"; } if($next > 0){ $nextTitle = "[".$storeNameArr[$next['store']]."]".stripslashes($next['title']); $nextLink = "#".$next['no']; } else { $nextTitle = "다음글이 없습니다."; $nextLink = "#self"; } // if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ""){ // debug($insert_date); // debug($pnparam); // } //======================================== // Hit Update //======================================== if(!$_COOKIE["HIT::".$TABLE_EPILOGUE."_".$no]){ $hitPlus = $hit + 1; $hitUp = $Db->query("UPDATE $TABLE_EPILOGUE SET hit = :hit WHERE no = :no", array('hit' => $hitPlus, 'no' => $no)); setcookie("HIT::".$TABLE_EPILOGUE."_".$no, time()+(60*60*24)); } $Db->CloseConnection; //======================================== // Meta Tag //======================================== $metaTitle = $title; $metaTitle2 = $title; $metaDescription = StrCut(strip_tags($content), 0, 100); $metaKeyword = $tag; $metaImg = explode('src=',$content); $metaImg = explode('>',$metaImg[1]); $metaImg = explode(' ',$metaImg[0]); $metaImg = str_replace('"','',$metaImg[0]); if(!preg_match('#ssdream.co.kr#',$metaImg)){ $metaImg = "http://www.ssdream.co.kr".$metaImg; } //$path = "./img/"; //$dir = opendir($path); $tmpno = "2210"; if($no == $tmpno){ $metaImg = "http://www.ssdream.co.kr/front/epilogue/img/".$no.".jpg"; } $metaImage = $metaImg; $metaNav = $metaInfo['real_list_'.$sort]['nav']; //======================================== // header Include //======================================== include PATH_INCLUDE."header.php"; ?>
HOME  >  ".$metaNav[4]."  > "; } if($metaNav[3]){ echo "".$metaNav[3]."  > "; } if($metaNav[2]){ echo "".$metaNav[2]."  > "; } if($metaNav[1]){ echo "".$metaNav[1]."  > "; } echo "".$metaNav[0].""; ?>

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