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margin-right: 5px; padding-left: 18px; font-size:12px; line-height:18px; background-size:12px auto; } /* === common === */ .sub_visual_wrap.eq1 {background:url(../../images/epilogue/img_visual1.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.eq2 {background:url(../../images/epilogue/img_visual2.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.eq3 {background:url(../../images/epilogue/img_visual3.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.member {background:url(../../images/member/img_visual1.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.online {background:url(../../images/online/img_visual1.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.online2 {background:url(../../images/online/img_visual2.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; background-size: auto 100%;} .sub_visual_wrap.online3 {background:url(../../images/online/img_visual3.jpg) center bottom no-repeat; 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